Information Security Magazines

Security Courses

§ Offensive Security Training – Training from BackTrack/Kali developers
§ SANS Security Training – Computer Security Training & Certification
§ Open Security Training – Training material for computer security classes
§ CTF Field Guide – everything you need to win your next CTF competition
§ Cybrary – online IT and Cyber Security training platform

Information Security Conferences

§ DEF CON – An annual hacker convention in Las Vegas
§ Black Hat – An annual security conference in Las Vegas
§ BSides – A framework for organising and holding security conferences
§ CCC – An annual meeting of the international hacker scene in Germany
§ DerbyCon – An annual hacker conference based in Louisville
§ PhreakNIC – A technology conference held annually in middle Tennessee
§ ShmooCon – An annual US east coast hacker convention
§ CarolinaCon – An infosec conference, held annually in North Carolina
§ HOPE – A conference series sponsored by the hacker magazine 2600
§ SummerCon – One of the oldest hacker conventions, held during Summer
§ – An annual conference held in Luxembourg
§ HITB – Deep-knowledge security conference held in Malaysia and The Netherlands
§ Troopers – Annual international IT Security event with workshops held in Heidelberg, Germany
§ Hack3rCon – An annual US hacker conference
§ ThotCon – An annual US hacker conference held in Chicago
§ LayerOne – An annual US security conerence held every spring in Los Angeles
§ DeepSec – Security Conference in Vienna, Austria
§ SkyDogCon – A technology conference in Nashville
§ SECUINSIDE – Security Conference in Seoul
§ DefCamp – Largest Security Conference in Eastern Europe, held anually in Bucharest, Romania

Information Security Magazines

§ 2600: The Hacker Quarterly – An American publication about technology and computer “underground”
§ Phrack Magazine – By far the longest running hacker zine

Awesome Lists

§ SecTools – Top 125 Network Security Tools
§ C/C++ Programming – One of the main language for open source security tools
§ .NET Programming – A software framework for Microsoft Windows platform development
§ Shell Scripting – Command-line frameworks, toolkits, guides and gizmos
§ Ruby Programming by @dreikanter – The de-facto language for writing exploits
§ Ruby Programming by @markets – The de-facto language for writing exploits
§ Ruby Programming by @Sdogruyol – The de-facto language for writing exploits
§ JavaScript Programming – In-browser development and scripting
§ Node.js Programming by @sindresorhus – JavaScript in command-line
§ Node.js Programming by @vndmtrx – JavaScript in command-line
§ Python tools for penetration testers – Lots of pentesting tools are written in Python
§ Python Programming by @svaksha – General Python programming
§ Python Programming by @vinta – General Python programming
§ Android Security – A collection of android security related resources
§ Awesome Awesomness – The List of the Lists